The SLII Experience - SLX Trailer

SLII® is the most widely taught leadership model in the world. It teaches leaders to use the appropriate leadership style in response to the needs of the person and the situation.

Our learning design—The SLII Experience™—uses game-changing techniques that immerse learners in SLII quickly, deeply, and effectively. In this program, you will learn a new language for leadership that will help you increase the quality and quantity of conversations you have with your team members, accelerate their development, increase their performance, and support autonomy. Becoming a situational leader will allow you to partner with those you lead, giving them what they need to succeed.

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The SLII Experience - Prepare to Lead Differently
The SLII Experience - Prepare to Lead Differently

The Experience of good leadership connects, empowers, and inspires.

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SLII. Infographic
SLII. Infographic

The SLII framework holds that no single-best leadership style exists.