Client Success Story: Ingersoll Rand

Learning Manager, Leadership Excellence
Ingersoll Rand

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The Ingersoll Rand content was presented live only at the Summit. There is no audio recording of this session.

Ingersoll Rand offers several training programs for leaders throughout the organization and realized the importance of teaching the same leadership skills in each. Their Advanced Leadership Effectiveness and Development (ALEAD) program is designed for high-potential leaders who are nominated to be part of a cohort. The exclusive program is limited to 120 employees per year, worldwide. The foundation of the ALEAD curriculum is SLII®, Building Trust, and Leading People Through Change. When the sales organization created the Sales Process Excellence (SPX) program, they incorporated SLII into their curriculum to sustain the consistency of the leadership language. As part of Ingersoll Rand’s lean transformation initiative, the Lean Leader Development Program (LLDP) was created, which combines the principles of the LLDP framework with the language of SLII. Hear how blending Lean with SLII creates a unique offering for production and manufacturing leaders. Caley also shared how using the people-focused model from the Leading People Through Change program has helped leaders at Ingersoll Rand manage in a constantly changing environment. Hear Caley explain how they have been able to improve leadership bench strength across the organization while building the level of trust between frontline and mid-level managers.

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